Omni by General - Preview. 15 June 2016.

UPDATE:  General Omni has been released!  Check out our review of General Omni Licorice - here, and General Omni Peppermint - here.

Meet Omni by General. Back in February, we wrote a preview article about General Omni and today is the day that it became official! Last year, when I reviewed Epok Snus, I didn't think the "white snus" concept would catch on, but it appears that it has!

Swedish Match describes it as, "Our new brand Omni doesn’t compare to any of Swedish Match’s regular snus products. Omni is all white pouches, with dry contents which give a quick and efficient delivery of flavour and nicotine. Much thanks to its size, colour and dryness, Omni is perceived as more discreet than regular snus. Omni is used the same way as traditional snus, and it provides the same nicotine experience. It is manufactured with a patented production technology, and the contents are made up of a mix of cellulose fibre, a smaller share of tobacco and food grade approved additives which are packed in all white pouches."

In case you're wondering about the difference between original, white and all white snus, Swedish Match describes it like this:

Original Portion - "Original portion snus mainly consists of tobacco, has a moist surface and provides a quick release of flavour and nicotine. It is made up from tobacco that is packed in pouches and is dampened after the process."

White Portion - "White portion snus also consists of mainly tobacco. It is drier on the surface, with moist contents. It provides a slower, but more even release of flavour and nicotine. "

All White Portion - "All white portions (Omni) consists of a mix between cellulose fibres, a lesser share of tobacco than in traditional tobacco products and food grade approved additives. The pouches are entirely dry, which might cause the release of flavour and nicotine to take a few seconds longer before it is experienced by the user. The nicotine strength of a 3 mg Omni pouch is approximately perceived as a regular General pouch, with 0,8 % nicotine. A 6 mg Omni pouch can be compared to an extra strong product, with 1,5 % nicotine."

Now, let's meet the products!

Omni Licorice

"Distinct notes of salty licorice, along with hints of fudge A small, thin and dry pouch, which, once moistened under the lip, releases flavor quickly and powerfully."

Weight - 0.4 grams
Nicotine - 0.75% (About 3.75mg/g)

Omni Licorice (Extra Strong)

"Distinct notes of salty licorice, along with hints of fudge A small, thin and dry pouch, which, once moistened under the lip, releases flavor quickly and powerfully."

Weight - 0.4 grams
Nicotine - 1.5% (About 7.5mg/g)

Omni Peppermint

"Taste of peppermint. A small, thin and dry pouch, which, once moistened under the lip, releases flavor quickly and powerfully."

Weight - 0.4 grams
Nicotine - 0.75% (About 3.75mg/g)

Omni Peppermint (Extra Strong)

"Taste of peppermint. A small, thin and dry pouch, which, once moistened under the lip, releases flavor quickly and powerfully."

Weight - 0.4 grams
Nicotine - 1.5% (About 7.5mg/g)


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