Swedish Match Marlboro Snus is BACK! 17 December 2013.

Good news from Snus2, Marlboro Strong White is back, and bringing with it Marlboro Mint Strong White, both in slim portion format. Marlboro Strong White is described as, "Marlboro Strong White Portion is a new snus with rich tobacco flavor and that comes with a slim pouch to fit better under the lip." and Marlboro Strong White Mint is described as "Marlboro White Strong Mint Portion is a new and fresh snus with a good taste of mint and a hint of tobacco. Comes in a slim pouch for better fit under the lip."
Keep in mind this is REAL Marlboro Snus, not that horrible American knock-off Marlboro "SNUS". This stuff is as good as it gets.
I can't stress how excited I am about this coming back. I reviewed it in the past and was very sad to see it go. I haven't tried this yet so I don't know if Swedish Match kept with the flavor profile of the last incarnation of Marlboro Snus, so I'm hoping that's what we'll see. But all in all, pretty great news!


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