This product has been discontinued and is no longer for sale. GNT produced a new Oden's Extra Stark, but this version (from Gajane) is no longer produced.
Yesterday, I reviewed
Oden's Extreme Snus, and as I got to thinking, I haven't reviewed many Oden's products. I reviewed
Kanel ES in the past, but that's about it. Fortunately for me, I do use Oden's Classic ES from time to time, and I just had a roll arrive last week, so I figured it was time to review it. The Oden's Snus brand actually has a pretty loyal following. There's quite a few people who use it, have always used it, and will always use it. And rightly so, it's pretty good. Outside of Grov and a few others, it's hit and miss when it comes to snuses with a simple tobacco flavor. Oden's Classic ES is one of those.

One of the coolest things about Oden's Snus is the can. Granted, there isn't a catch lid - which sucks, but it's all together a pretty nifty looking can. When you open the can a slightly sweet aroma comes through, which is also present in the taste. I know I mentioned earlier than Oden's Classic is a pure tobacco taste, so don't let that discourage you. The slight sweetness is due to the type of tobacco used in making this snus, and that's all. No added sweeteners to speak of.

The portions are a little bit bigger than average, and may come a little flat in the can, but after a little fluffing they're ready to go. They're quite soft and very comfortable in the lip. I know I complained about the size of the Skoal portions and Camel portions in the past being a bit too big, but these aren't that big. To be honest, the size is a comfort, because it prevents the snus from moving/sliding around, so I dig it. The flavor is really simple, not much to write about. It's a simple tobacco flavor, a mellow little salt balance, and a very slight sweetness due to the type of tobacco used. That's about it. That's good though, the beauty is in the simplicity! The nicotine portion weighs in at 17mg, and to be honest Oden's is one of few snuses that can knock me on my ass if I haven't been using anything of a higher nicotine content in a while. So, Oden's ES Classic is pretty good. Simple flavor, good nicotine hit, very comfortable portions. One thing I particularly like about it is the duration of the portion, I've actually kept one of these in for about 2-3 hours, which is pretty good in my book. Check it out if you haven't ever tried it. All the loyal Oden's fans definitely have a reason for liking this so much.
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