BAOW Nicotine Pouches - Review. 19 June 2024.

It feels like I've been doing a lot of nicotine pouch reviews lately.  But, in 2024, without many new snus products coming out, this is most of what I have to review.  So today, we have another one!  Well, three new ones.  These are BAOW nicotine pouches.  These are made by Yoik in Sweden.  If you aren't familiar with them, they also make the Helwit Nicotine Pouches.  I found these recently on and figured I should check them out.  The flavors sounded pretty intriguing, so that caught my interest.  I'm not sure what the name means, but it is fun to say.  To go over their commonalities, all of these pouches come in a 12 gram can with 20 pouches.  That means each pouch will weigh 0.6 grams.  The nicotine content is 20mg/g, which breaks down to 12mg/pouch.

As far as the experience goes, each one has a different aroma and flavor, but here's what they have in common during usage:
Pouch - These are all lighter in weight, at 0.6 grams each, but they don't feel too small.  They have a nice mouthfeel, and are quite soft.  The moisture amount is also pretty good, which gives a quick release of flavor.
Nicotine - These are all at 12mg/pouch, which is around the "strong" level by number.  However, they feel to be about regular strength, as far as what I feel when I use the pouch.
Flavor Longevity - The flavor longevity is pretty decent with these, having a good presence to them and lasting a solid 30-40 minutes on average.

Now, let's check out their differences:  aroma and flavor!

BAOW Ice Mint

Flavor Description:  "An icy taste of mint"

Review:  This one is a pretty standard mint one.  Opening the can, the aroma is a sharp, icy, sweet aroma of peppermint.  In the flavor, it's pretty much the same.  The peppermint flavor is front and center.  It's icy, and present in nature.

BAOW Gin & Tonic

Flavor Description:  "A perfect flavor combination of gin & tonic"

Review:  I was excited about this one because juniper isn't a common flavor in nicotine pouches.  The aroma of this one is a present aroma of juniper, and it does have a gin-like aroma to it.  In the flavor profile, this is probably the most juniper I've tasted in a nicotine pouch yet.  It's present, and lightly sweet in nature, but not overly sweet that it would ruin the flavor.  All in all, it's pretty good!

BAOW Chili/Lime

Flavor Description:  "A taste of chili and lime"

Review:  I like spicy stuff.  And I like how nicotine pouches have been bringing in chili flavors to mix in with other flavors.  It gives a nice presence.  So, I was definitely curious to see how this one would work.  Opening the can, the aroma I pick up is a present lime character.  It's slightly sweet, tangy, and has a little chili to it.  Putting a pouch in, the flavor is pretty solid.  The lime comes through clearly, and is tart, and tangy.  The chili flavor mingles in from the back, and adds a nice heat to the flavor!

Rating and Final Thoughts

All in all, not a bad line!  I wish the pouches were a little more full, as I think that would make a big difference.  But, not bad.  Chili/Lime came out on top for me at 3.33/5, followed by Gin & Tonic at 3.17/5, and then Ice Mint at 3/5.  Ice Mint was pretty generic mint, but the other two were pretty good, so if I had to make any suggestions it would be for you to try the other two.  

This product available at

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