The Moose Major Mint (White Portion) Snus - Review. 5 February 2024.

Nowadays, you don't see a lot of new snus products.  The last new snus brand I can recall is my Artisan Snus line, that launched back in 2022.  Now, a new brand called The Moose has launched, made by Hansa Snus on Gotland in Sweden!  Today, we have a mint one to check out, The Moose Major Mint!  As popular as mint is, it makes sense to have one in the new lineup.  Checking out the product details for this one it says, "A sweet taste of mint and tobacco".  Each can weighs in at 16 grams and has 20 portions, for 0.8g each.  The nicotine content is 14mg/g, which breaks down to 11.2mg per portion.  So, if you're a mint lover, grab a seat, open a can, and let's get into the review and check this one out!

Opening up the can, I pick up a present, focused aroma of peppermint.  It has a smooth, but sweet presence to it.  There also seems to be a faint spearmint touch to it.  The portions are pretty nice.  I like the plump feel to them.  They're soft, and have a decent moisture amount to them.  Also, putting one under the lip you'll notice a gentle cooling presence, a common attribute of mint flavored products.  The flavor is quite nice on this one.  It's smooth, but present.  The peppermint taste is refreshing, and has a nice sweetness to it.  It also seems to have a little spearmint kicking around in the background.  In the nicotine department, it feels to be about regular, or maybe just a hair above.  I find the flavor lasts a good hour, sometimes more!  As far as what this one reminds me of, it makes me think a lot of an old favorite, Thunder Cool Mint!  I also seem to notice a little similarity to General Mint, but perhaps with some added spearmint to it.

Rating and Final Thoughts

I rated this one at 3.58/5.  I don't use a lot of mint products, and I'm usually not into the sweeter flavors, so this one isn't one that I would personally use.  However, I know General Mint, for example, is incredibly popularity.  Especially amongst Americans.  I think people who like mint flavors, especially sweeter ones, will really enjoy this one.  While not my cup of tea, I think mint enthusiasts will like the quality, taste, and experience with Major Mint!

NOTE:  This product available at!

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