Chapo White American Blend (Nicotine Pouches) - Review. 1 February 2024.

There are a lot of nicotine pouch brands out there.  When this category first came out, as a completist I tried to review them all.  Now, I don't really do that anymore.  I review the main brands, and every now and then I'll review a random one like this because I'm curious about the flavor.  I saw this one on and saw that it's made by a company in Estonia called Nicobros.  What is the "American Blend" you may be asking?  It says it has a "taste of traditional tobacco".  That usually makes me nervous because I haven't met a nicotine pouch yet that tastes like tobacco.  Some have gotten close, but no one has quite nailed it yet.  Each can weighs 24g, and I counted 28 pouches in the can.  That means they should weigh around 0.85g each.  The nicotine content is 16.5mg/g, which breaks down to 13.2mg/pouch.

Opening up the can the first thing I smelled was menthol.  I'm not sure why but a lot of these smaller, random brands seem to use a lot of menthol for some reason.  Behind it there's some pepper, a little wood, and maybe some leather.  It's an interesting one.  The pouch is semi-dry, slim, and soft to the touch.  It's pretty comfortable under the lip, too.  The flavor is really interesting.  I pick up a major taste of menthol.  Along with that, there's some wood, perhaps some leather, and then just a little touch of pepper.  It's a really interesting taste.  The nicotine strength feels about the strong level, maybe just a little bit above that.  I find the flavor hangs out about 30-40 minutes, on average.

Rating and Final Thoughts

So, I wasn't the biggest fan of this one.  Tobacco doesn't taste like menthol, so I really don't get the inclusion of that in this recipe.  Honestly if they took that out, the other notes would work pretty well together.  But the menthol really wrecks the flavor profile on this one.  It's weird.  I gave this one a 2.67/5. Not something I'd use again, but I'm glad I tried it because I've been curious for a while about it!

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