G.3 Wink (Super Slim) - Snus Review. 5 October 2023.

Swedish Match's G.3 line is going through a redesign right now, which means some products are also getting renamed.  Case in point, the one we are talking about today.  Today, we have G.3 Wink Super Slim Strong Mint White.  This one is not actually a new product, it is a rebranding.  This is the former G.3 Mint Super Slim Strong, just with a new name and a new can design.  However, for those who have not had this product yet, I'm still going to do a review of it to tell you all about it!  The flavor description for this one says, "Light and spicy tobacco character with clear hints of peppermint, as well as some herbs and vanilla".

If you've never had a super slim product before, here's a quick comparison.  Each one of these cans weighs 16.5 grams and has 31 pouches, weighing 0.53g each.  Most standard slim white portions are 0.7-0.8g.  So, you'll notice these to be considerably lighter.  The nicotine strength is 17.92mg/g, which sounds like a lot, but with the lighter pouch weight that breaks down to just 9.5mg/pouch.  So, now that we've got all the nitty gritty out of the way, let's get into the review and talk about this snus!

First, if you like the regular G3 Mint Super Slim, you'll notice this one to be the exact same thing just with a different label.  But for those who haven't had this one, let's do a review!  Opening the can, I notice a mild, fresh lightly sweet aroma of peppermint.  The pouches are small, and of course, super slim.  They are light in weight, and pretty soft to the touch.  They're pretty comfortable in the lip, and definitely have a discrete size.  Being a mint product, you'll also get a nice cooling sensation under the upper lip.  In the flavor profile, it's a mild, gentle taste of peppermint.  I notice a little tobacco in the background, along with a light sweetness.  In the nicotine department, though it's called a strong, this one feels to be about the regular strength level.  The flavor hangs out a good hour, on average.

Rating and Final Thoughts

This one ended up at 3.42/5.  Not a bad one!  I mean, I don't really use mini portions or super slim portions, so this isn't a product I'd personally use.  But for people who are into this sort of thing, or looking for a discrete portion size, you may be happy with it.  It has a regular nicotine strength, and a nice taste of mint, so mint-lovers will be happy with this!

This product available for purchase from SnusMe.com!

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