Kozmo Nicotine Pouches - Review. 12 April 2023.

Towards the end of 2021, I reviewed some nicotine pouches out of Norway called Kozmo.  These are made by our friends at Dholakia Tobacco in India, makers of a variety of nicotine pouches as well as some high quality nasal snuff.  Now, 16 months after first trying those pouches in Norway, it appears as though Dholakia is ready to expand this to an international market!  In this review, we have 6 flavors to check out:  Wintergreen, Mintastic, Extreme Mint, Mango Twist, Berry Freak, and Sicilian Crush.  These products do have some things in common.  They're all 11g in total weight with 20 pouches at 0.55g each.  The nicotine content is 14.4mg/pouch, which would be 26.18mg/g.  However, the nicotine per pouch is what matters, because that's what you actually experience.    Before we get into the review and their differences, let's talk about what they have in common!

Pouch - The pouch that Kozmo has is a slim pouch with a soft mouthfeel and a moderate moisture amount.  They feel great under the lip!
Nicotine - The nicotine strength seems to hover around the strong mark on all of these.
Flavor Longevity - They all tend to last about 40-45 minutes, on average.

Now, let's talk about where they differ - aroma and flavor!

Kozmo Mango Twist

Flavor Description:  "A fruity mango flavor topped by spicy hints of chili."

Review:  Opening up the can, I encounter a present smell of mango.  It's smooth, sweet, and fresh.  It almost has a creamy essence to it that is hard to describe.  In the flavor, the mango is front and enter.  It's a present, natural taste.  I find it to be gentle, fresh, and sweet.  There's almost a little creaminess to it that seems to remind me of vanilla.

Kozmo Mintastic

Flavor Description:  "A flavor of mint and sweet peppermint."

Review:  This is one of the better mint nicotine pouches I've encountered.  The aroma is a sweet, smooth, gentle peppermint.  It's not too sharp, icy, or in your face.  The flavor is very well balanced.  The peppermint comes across in a gentle way.  It's mild, and sweeter than a lot of other peppermint products on the market, but not overly sweet.  It's quite good!

Kozmo Sicilian Crush

Flavor Description:  "A refreshing citrus flavor."

Review:  When you open the can, an interesting citrus aroma greets you.  I notice some lemon, maybe a little grapefruit.  It's tart, and lightly sweet.  There's a little menthol in the mix, too.  In the flavor, it's lightly minty, and has a present taste of lemon to it.  There's some menthol to it, and a light sweetness.  It's tart, but not overly tart.

Kozmo Wintergreen

Flavor Description:  "A minty wintergreen flavor."

Review:  This one is pretty simple and straightforward.  It smells like wintergreen and tastes like wintergreen.  It's that straight up, lightly sweet, American wintergreen taste.  If you like wintergreen, you'll like this one, because that's what you get!

Kozmo Berry Freak

Flavor Description:  "A fruity flavor of blueberry, blackberry and raspberry that is rounded off with a light touch of coolness."

Review:  This is probably one of the better fruity nicotine pouches I've had so far.  It's quite tasty.  In the aroma, I notice a fruity, lightly sweet aroma.  There's a little menthol, some raspberry, and a hint of blueberry.  In the flavor, I notice a sweet, refreshing taste of berry.  It seems to be a mix of raspberry and blueberry, with a hint of menthol.  It's pretty nice!

Kozmo Extreme Mint

Flavor Description:  "A fresh mint flavor that is topped with biting tones of peppermint."

Review:  This series has two mint products in it, Mintastic and Extreme Mint.  This one is a little more present than the other mint.  In the aroma, the peppermint is sweet, present, and fresh.  It's more bold than Mintastic.  In the flavor profile, it's a strong taste of peppermint.  It's refreshing, and like the aroma, it is on the sweeter side.  It's not super sweet, but it is sweeter than some other mint products I've had.

Rating and Final Thoughts

All in all, some pretty solid products!  I enjoyed Mango Twist and Sicilian Crush the most, and rated those at 3.42/5.  The next ones were Mintastic, Berry Freak and at 3.25/5.  Next, Extreme Mint at 3.17/5.  And, lastly, Wintergreen at 3.08/5.  All of them were pretty good, though, and I don't think there's a bad one in the range!  If you're a nicotine pouch enthusiast, you'll definitely enjoy the Kozmo line.  Dholakia makes a high quality nicotine pouch, and fans of this category will enjoy these!

Kozmo Nicotine Pouches are available at SnusMe.com!

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