G.3 Wire Super Strong (Slim White Dry) - Review. 20 September 2017.

Review Updated: 11 February 2021

It's been quite a few years since I've reviewed this one, but I've had some requests to revisit it!  In the G.3 brand, this is truly an underrated one!  Some of you may remember years ago when this product was sold as Lab 13 Formula +.  That one was discontinued, and then this one was launched in it's place.  This is the same flavor, but in a much stronger version with a white dry pouch.  The flavor description for this one says, "A taste of red berries and tropical fruits".  Each can weighs 16.6g and contains 24 portions, for 0.69g portions.  The nicotine strength is 26mg/g (2.6%), or 17.94mg/portion.

When you open the can, the aroma of energy drink jumps out at you.  It smells very much like a Red Bull.  I don't drink energy drinks, but Mrs. Snubie does, so I'm familiar with that energy drink smell.  The aroma is a present red berry smell, with a tropical hint to it.  It's lightly sweet, and rather tart in nature.  The portions are slim, comfortable under the lip, and dryer than the average white portion.  The flavor, like the aroma, reminds me of Red Bull.  There's a mild tobacco character with a lightly nutty nature.  There's a present taste of red berry, with a light sweetness.  It's also pretty tart in nature.  In terms of strength, it feels to be about the extra strong level.  The flavor, on average, lasts a little over an hour.

Rating and Final Thoughts

I rated this one at 3.13 out of 5.  It's a pretty tasty product, especially for those who like energy drinks.  I wish it was a regular portion, and in regular strength, though.  It's a little stronger than I personally prefer.  The flavor is great, though.  It's really unique, and enjoyable! If you're someone who likes energy drinks and strong snus, this is what you're looking for, and one I think you'll enjoy.

This product available for purchase at SnusMe.com.

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