Koggsnus Lös / Loose Snus (Limited Edition) - Review. 7 March 2022.

Nowadays, a vast majority of new smokeless products coming onto the market are nicotine pouches.  So, you can imagine my excitement when a new, limited edition snus product showed up.  Today we're talking about Koggsnus, a limited edition product that released towards the end of 2021.  This product is made by the folks behind Tektor Cigars, and it seems to also be sold on their web store.  I spoke with them about this release and they told me they “came up with the idea to make a real Gotlandish snus and not to use tobacco that is transported around the world.  There is no problem growing tobacco in Sweden, so this is a benefit for the environment."

The price for this snus is 1000 SEK, which is about $105.63 USD.  It came in a pretty neat box.  It has a picture of a Kogg ship (I'm assuming) on top of the box.  I was curious about the name, and they told me a "Kogg" is a ship that was established by the German Hansa during the Middle Ages and that it is an important part of the Visby and Gotland history.

Opening it up, I found the loose snus tobacco in a jar with a neat little cap that has the Koggsnus logo on it. This is the description they gave me for this snus:  "Koggsnus is made of all Gotlandish tobacco.  This is the only snus made on Gotland with Gotlandish tobacco.  We use part fermented tobacco from our cigar production (Tektor Cigars) to add taste and deepen the tobacco experience.  The snus is flavored with whisky from Gotland Whisky.  This is a small batch production, only 1000 glass jars were made.”  The jar has 100 grams of snus in it.  They told me the nicotine strength is the standard 8mg/g (0.8%).

Opening the jar I'm greeted with a pretty nice, present aroma of whisky.  It is complimented by a dark, rich tobacco base.  It's slightly smoky, and has a faint hint of oak to it.  The snus itself is semi-moist, pretty easy to bake, and has a solid flavor release.  In the flavor profile, this stuff is top notch.  It has a dark, rich, earthy tobacco base.  The whisky presence is moderate, but it doesn't overtake the tobacco base.  It is semi-smoky in nature, and has a light hint of oak in the background.  The nicotine strength on this one is pleasant and enjoyable, delivering at the regular strength mark.  The flavor, on average, lasts about 45 minutes.  The loose stays well placed in the lip the entire time without much slide.

Rating and Final Thoughts

I rated this one at 4.21/5.  It is a really nice snus.  Not just that, but it's a new snus.  Which we don't see much of in general.  However, stacking this up against others on the market, I found it to remind me a lot of Islay Whisky Loose, which is a favorite of mine when it comes to whisky products on the market.  If you're in Sweden, I checked their website and it said they have 8 available.  If you're looking for it, you may check there.

Check out our video review:
