Après (Ice Tea Peach & Cactus Lime) Nicotine Pouches - Review. 1 February 2022.

A few months back, I reviwed Après, a new line of nicotine pouches produced in Sweden.  In that review, I talked about No1, No2, No3, and No4.  Today, we're talking about some new additions to their lineup, No5 Ice Tea Peach and No6 Cactus Lime.  While I don't review a lot of nicotine pouches anymore, I will occasionally review ones that catch my eye.  I saw these recently on SnusMe.com, and they intrigued me enough that I wanted to give them a try.  I like lime flavored products, they pair well with beer.  I'm also a big tea enthusiast, so ice tea peach just sounded super tasty.  Now, in the individual reviews below, I'll mainly talk about aroma and flavor.  But, real quick, let me go ahead and cover what these have in common.

Product Details:
Can Contents:  Each can weighs in at 13g, and has 20 portions, for 0.65g each
Nicotine Strength:  8mg/g (0.8%), or 5.2mg/portion

Portion/Mouthfeel - Soft, semi-dry, lighter in weight.
Nicotine Delivery / Feeling - A little below regular strength.
Flavor Longevity - About 35-40 minutes.

Now, with all that being said, let's get into the reviews!

Après No5: Ice Tea Peach

Flavor Description:  "A taste of black tea with hints of peach".

Review:  When you open the can, this one has a mild, earthy aroma of black tea.  I pick up some hints of pepper, and a little peach.  The flavor is really tasty.  It's a laid back, chill flavor.  I pick up the peach up front, which is mild, and slightly sweet.  There are gentle tones of black tea, along with a dab of pepper.

Après No6: Cactus Lime

Flavor Description:  "A mix of cactus and lime".

Review:  First of all, I don't know what a cactus tastes like.  I've never eaten one.  However, in cactus flavored products I've had in the past I've found that it reminds me of green apple.  So, in this review, that's mainly what I was looking for and noticed.  In the aroma of this one, I pick up tart lime right off the bat.  THere's also a hint of green apple, which again, is what cactus reminds me of.  In the flavor profile, it's a sweet, mild taste of green apple.  I also pick up subtle, tart hints of lime.

Rating and Final Thoughts

Both of these were quite good.  I liked the peach tea one a little more, at 3.17/5, and the cactus lime one came in right after it at 3.08/5.  Both of these were pretty tasty products.  I think if the pouches were a little more full and the nicotine was a little stronger these would be close to 4/5 products.  Après makes some good stuff, I like their cola pouch, and these are just as tasty.  If you're a nicotine pouch consumer and you're looking for something to try out, I suggest giving these a try!

Après Nicotine Pouches are available at SnusMe.com!

Check out our video review:
