McChrystals Aztec (Nasal Snuff) - Review. 16 November 2021.

I've been trying to get back on track lately and focused more on tobacco-centric products and less on nicotine pouches.  That's meant expanding to cover other tobacco products.  I've recently begun adding nasal snuff reviews here.  I've enjoyed nasal snuff for many years, but I haven't really branched out on products I try.  I've mainly used mostly Toque products, so it's been fun reviewing them because it's like when I first started using snus - lots of new products to try out!  Today, we're talking about McChrystal's Aztec.  McChrystals is a UK based company going back to 1926.  They're currently in their fourth generation running the company.  When it comes to their products,  I've had a few other McC products, but this is one that kinda slipped past my radar.  I recently grabbed a McChrystals Assorted box with a bunch of mini-tins in it, and this was one of them.  The product description for this one says "Experienced blending skills have created a complex mellowed sweetness, dominated by hints of fresh warm intense cocoa".  This is a little tin, at 3.5g.  There are larger tins of it, if you want to try that.  

The tin is smaller, being a mini-tin.  But, it has a nice, classy look to it.  The tin note is a rich chocolate presence.  It's semi-sweet, semi-bitter, and not too dark in nature.  It almost smells like smelling a warm cup of cocoa.  The grind is fine, close to medium.  It's pretty easy to take, and doesn't come with much of a burn.  For the nose note, it's a pretty rich chocolate!  It's not dark, but not light.  It's a pretty smooth cocoa presence.  It's semi-bitter, which is nice.  I don't notice much of a burn, nor do I notice a very heavy drip with it.  The nicotine strength on this one is about the moderate level.  The aroma fades pretty quickly.  The sweetness does linger a bit in a light sense, but not too long.

Rating and Final Thoughts

This one is a pretty nice snuff.  It reminds me a lot of Dholakia Swizz, which I enjoy from time to time.  This, for me, would be more of a dessert snuff.  Not something I'd use full time, but something I might reach for when I want something on the sweeter end.  I rated it at 3.29/5.  It's above average for me, but not something that would be in my regular rotation.  

Also, I grabbed this from  Use code SNUBIE there to get yourself a nice discount. 

Check out our video review:
