ZoneX Nicotine Pouches - Review. 21 September 2021.

I don't review a lot of nicotine pouches because I mainly focus on snus here.  That, and there's 9,583,291 nicotine pouch brands on the market and I simply can't keep up with them all.  I do, however, review ones that catch my attention.  This new ZoneX line by Skruf caught my eye and I wanted to check it out.  It's interesting, because back in 2019 Skruf launched the ZoneX line in the UK.  These were, to my knowledge, basically just rebranded Skruf Super White Nicotine Pouches.  Now, ZoneX seems to be launching on the Swedish market with a new design scheme and new colors.  Is it a clone of the existing Skruf Super White line?  Well, that's what we're going to find out.  As far as the products themselves go, they do have some things in common, which I'll discuss first before we get into the individual reviews.  I didn't want to be too repetitive, so I try to cover the similarities up front.

Commonalities / Similarities
Can Contents - 15.4 grams, 24 portions, 0.64 grams each
Mouthfeel / Portion - All of these portions are slim, soft, moderately moist, and comfortable under the lip.
In The Lip - They all come with a cooling sensation, and a touch of freshness.
Flavor Longevity - They all tend to last about 45-50 minutes, on average.

Now, let's talk about where they differ - aroma, flavor, and nicotine strength!

ZoneX Mint Breeze

Flavor Description:  "A sweet taste of mint and together with a hint of menthol, it becomes a perfect combination for a healthy and long-lasting taste experience".
Nicotine Strength:  4mg/portion = 6.25mg/g

Review:  This one is more of a spearmint one.  Not really a clone of any existing Skruf Super White product, as they don't really have a spearmint flavor.  In the aroma, it's a smooth, but sweet smell of spearmint.  That carries through pretty well to the flavor.  The spearmint taste is mild, and pretty smooth.  It is on the sweeter side, but not overly sweet.  In terms of strength, it feels a little lighter than regular strength.

ZoneX Cold Blast

Flavor Description:  "A cooling, refreshing and energizing taste of menthol mint and peppermint".
Nicotine Strength (Strong):   8mg/p = 12.5mg/g
Nicotine Strength (Extra Strong):  9mg/p = 14.06mg/g

Review:  This one comes in two strengths, but they're virtually identical other than the strength.  Both have a clear/clean aroma of peppermint.  It's not too sharp, and is lightly sweet in nature.  In the flavor, the peppermint comes through in a mild, clear way.  It has a light sweetness to it, but not too overdone.  The flavor isn't too sharp, and has a pretty gentle presence.  The strong one feels to be about the regular strength level, and the extra strong one feels to be a little above the regular strength level.  I was curious how this one would compare to Skruf Super White Fresh, but I found it to be milder, a little sweeter, and more balanced in flavor presence.

ZoneX Berry Fresh

Flavor Description:  "A taste of mint and together with a hint of mint & blackcurrant that gives you a refreshing taste experience".
Nicotine Strength:  4mg/portion = 6.25mg/g

Review:  This is the one I was the most curious to try out.  Skruf Superwhite Cassice, their black currant flavored one, is one of very, very few nicotine pouches I enjoy.  In the aroma of this one, I notice a mix of berry and menthol.  It seems to be a mix of black currant and a little blackberry.  In the flavor, it's like a mix of Skruf Superwhite Cassice and Skruf Superwhite Bjornbaer.  In the flavor, I pick up a light tone of menthol, along with flavors of blackberry and black currant.  It's a pretty well balanced berry flavor!  The nicotine strength on this one feels to be a little lighter than regular strength.  To compare it to Skruf Superwhite Cassice, I'd say it's similar, but seems to have a little blackberry mixed in.

Rating and Final Thoughts

My rating on this one was surprising.  While I enjoyed Berry Fresh the most, Cold Blast actually rated higher.  A lot of that was due to the nicotine strength being closer to what I prefer, and Berry Fresh being lower.  I enjoyed the taste of Mint Breeze more than Cold Blast, but it was weaker than I prefer in strength.  This is one of the times that ratings can be complicated.  While Cold Blast rated higher, I enjoyed Berry Fresh and Mint Breeze more.  Cold Blast Strong rated at 3.25/5, Cold Blast Extra Strong rated at 3.17/5, Berry Fresh rated at 3.08/5, and Mint Breeze rated at 3/5.  All of them rated over a 3, which is the sweet spot for me.  I don't really use nicotine pouches, but generally if it's between a 3 and a 4, I consider it to be a solid product.  If you like nicotine pouches and want a new brand to try out, check out ZoneX!  

ZoneX is available from!

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