Zyn Bellini (Nicotine Pouches) - Review. 3 June 2021.

Swedish Match has released another new one in their Zyn Mini Dry Nicotine Pouches line, this one with the flavor of Bellini.  If you're not familiar, a  Belinni is a cocktail incensed in the 1900's in Italy.  It's made of Prosecco and peach purée.  This is a product sold in Sweden, but it's similar to the mini/dry Zyn pouches that most in the US may be familiar with.  The flavor description for this one says, a "taste of peach with hints of fruit tea and green grape".  Each can weighs in at 8 grams, and has 20 nicotine pouches, for 0.4g.  The nicotine content is 15mg/g (1.5%), which breaks down to 6mg/portion with the lighter portion.

When you open the can, a mild, light aroma of peach greets you.  I can kind of pick up a faint hint of grape in the background, but it's not bold by any means.  It seems to mostly smell of peach.  The pouches are small, and dry.  If you like a slim, moist pouch, this isn't for you.  However, a lot of people enjoy this pouch size, so this is more for them, I imagine.  They get more comfortable under the lip as they get more moist, as well.  The flavor is quite mild.  I pick up a light taste of peach, along with a light sweetness.  I don't notice too much grape; the flavor seems focused around the peach.  It's not overly sweet, which is nice, as well.  The strength feels to be about the regular level, and the flavor kicks around for about 30-40 minutes.

Rating and Final Thoughts

I rated this one at 3/5.  I don't really use nicotine pouches, so I've found anything between 3 and 4 is what I consider to be a decent product.  Honestly, if they made a slim/moist version of this with more flavor presence, I'd definitely get more of it.  As it sits, it's not really one for me.  Now, if you're someone who is into the dry/mini type, you'll probably enjoy this one.  There aren't a lot of peach flavors out there, and this is a great one for the summertime!

NOTE:  Zyn Nicotine Pouches are available at SnusMe.com.

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