Knox Dark (Lös) - Review (Discontinued). 27 April 2019.

NOTE:  This product has been discontinued and is no longer for sale.

Today, we're going to be revisiting a recent release from Skruf:  Knox Dark Loose!  This is one that launched back in 2019.  It was a pretty smart release from Skruf, to be honest, for a few reasons.  First, Skruf doesn't have a tobacco-centric product to compete with Grov. Second, Knox is incredibly popular, so it makes sense to launch this flavor in the Knox range. Knox Dark is a tobacco-centric flavored snus which comes in portion and los! Yes, a new los product as well, which doesn't seem to happen much anymore.  The flavor description says "Knox Dark has a full and rich flavor combined with a light smokiness".  It comes in a 40 gram can and has a nicotine strength of 8mg/g.  To do a price comparison (from, Knox Dark Los costs 43kr ($4.52 USD) and Grov Los costs around 59kr ($6.20 USD), so it’s definitely a cheaper alternative.

The aroma of this snus is a clear tobacco smell; the tobacco is dark, rich, earthy in nature, and accompanied by hints of wood and smoke. I was very impressed with the grind of this lös. It was very easy to work with; the grind honestly reminds me a lot of Swedish Match grind. I was able to handbake this one quite quickly and easily.  The flavor is quite tasty.  It is a rather earthy and natural taste.  I notice a big tobacco flavor that is robust, earthy, and well rounded.  The wood flavor compliments the tobacco taste very well.  It's not too overbearing, but it's definitely there.  There's also some smokiness in the background, as well.  I've heard some say they taste bergamot with this one, but I really don't notice bergamot in the flavor. For me, this one is mostly tobacco, wood, and smoke.  I find the tobacco stays pretty well packed in the lip and I can enjoy the flavor of this one for up to 45 minutes.  The nicotine, on average, feels about regular strength.

Rating and Final Thoughts

This one is good as an alternative to Grov, but it's also good in its own right.  The tobacco base on this one is quite tasty, and the wood notes really make this stand apart.  It's also one of the first new loose products we've seen released on the market in a while, so that was also exciting.  I rated it at 3.91/5.  It's a good snus, don't get me wrong, but one I can burn out on if I use it too much.  If you like the taste of tobacco, though, you won't want to skip this one!

Check out our video review:
