G.3 Load Super Strong (Slim White Dry) - Review. 22 February 2018.

Review Updated:  21 July 2022

First of all, let's get it out of the way.  Yes, the name is Load.  And yes, in this review I'll have a Load in my mouth.  Ha, ha, ha.  Okay, now on to the review.  It's been a while since I've had this one, but I never did a rating on it, so I figured it was time to revisit it.  Honestly, I don't know of many people who use this one, but it must be popular, it's been on the market 4 years now.  With a new snus product (2010 or later), that's pretty impressive.  The flavor description on this one says, "a mellow and spicy tobacco taste with notes of licorice and eucalyptus, along with hints of anise, cocoa, and honey".  Each can weighs 16.6g, and has 24 portions, for 0.69g each.  The nicotine content on this one is 26mg/g (2.6%), or 17.94mg/portion.  One note is that the side of the can says it's "Black Velvet Flavored".  I'm not sure what they mean by that, but I know a black velvet cake is a lot like a red velvet cake, but it's made with black licorice.
This is an interesting, intriguing, odd snus.  It's one that doesn't taste like anything else around.  When you open a can, the aroma is an interesting one.  Right up front, I notice a light presence of menthol.  Behind it, I pick up black licorice, and pepper.  The portions are slim, and dry.  They're comfortable under the lip, and will get more soft as they get more moist under your upper lip.  The flavor is an interesting one.  It's mostly black licorice, with a faint sweetness to it.  There's a little menthol in the mix, but not a lot.  I also pick up a very faint honey in the background.  I don't pick up the cocoa, though.  This one has quite a kick to it, and feels to deliver at the extra strong level.  I find the flavor lasts over an hour, on average!

Rating and Final Thoughts

I honestly don't know how to feel about this one.  It's not for me, honestly.  The taste is very odd.  I like licorice, don't get me wrong.  But something about this one is just odd to me.  I rated it at 2.8/5.  If you like licorice, I'd suggest checking it out because you may like it.  But at the end of the day, it's just not one I really enjoy or would try again, personally.

This product available for purchase at SnusMe.com.

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