Kronan Stark Original Portion - Review. 31 October 2014.

Review Updated: 7 August 2021

Today, we're checking out a snus in the Kronan brand.  If you've read my stuff long, you know I'm not the biggest fan of this line.  I've had some requests to revisit this one, and I've never done a rating of it, so here we go.  This should be fun.  If you aren't familiar with Kronan, the name  means “the crown” in Swedish. It was created in 2005 as a reaction to the taxes being raised on snus. In fact, one of the Swedish Match tobacco masters was once quoted as saying “We can't really do anything about the taxes but we can cut costs as much as possible while still providing a good product." The product line was redesigned in March 2017, so I figured it was a good time to revisit Kronan!

The flavor description for Kronan Stark Original says, "Strong portion snus with a dark and heavy tobacco taste with notes of violets and citrus, along with hints of green herbs.” This product comes in a 21.6 gram can with 22 portions, for 0.98 gram portions (it used to have 24 portions). The nicotine content is 15mg/g (1.5%) which breaks down to 14.7mg/portion.

I keep trying this snus in hopes that one day I'm going to somehow start liking it.  And it seems like each time I do, that doesn't happen.  When you open the can, the aroma that comes through is a dark, earthy tobacco smell. There are also mild herbal notes, a light presence of violet, and a hint of fresh dill. The portions are plump, moist, and have a quick release of flavor. The taste is much like the smell - a rich, dark tobacco flavor accompanied by mild herbal notes. There’s also a mild hint of lemon, along with a taste of fresh dill and a very faint hint of violet. The flavor lasts about 45 minutes on average and starts to turn bitter towards the end. The nicotine feels to be right at the strong level and delivers in a pretty steady way.

Rating and Final Thoughts

Well, I tried it for a third time, and I still don't like it.  Trust me, I've been trying.  I just can't get into this one.  It rated at 2.67/5, which is quite a low rating for a snus product for me.  I know there's lots of people out there that like this, I just am not one of them.  If you're looking for a snus to save a little money, I'd suggest trying others out first, such as LD.  But, you may end up liking it, so don't take my word for it.  Try it yourself, and see where you fall on this one.  It's not for everyone, but some enjoy it!

This product available for purchase at!

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