Göteborgs Rapé Lime (White Portion) - Review (Discontinued). 24 April 2012.

This product has been discontinued and is no longer for sale.

Folks, it's here and I couldn't be more excited. I've been looking forward to seeing more Lime flavored snuses since Catch Colletion Glow (Ginger Lime) was out a few years ago, and the day is upon us! In fact, it's such a big deal that Swedish Match didn't just add a new SKU, they added it to their Göteborgs Rapé line, which is very popular and traditional in Sweden. This isn't just a limited release, it's a full time brand ready to kick ass and take names. I know, I probably sound excited about it, because I am. Göteborgs Rapé has been around since 1919, and in the amount of time it's been around, Lingon was the only flavor added (No2) in 2006, so it's very rare that Swedish Match will drop a new product in this line. In the past, I've heard from various snus manufacturers around the world that lime was a hard flavor to master and sustain in snus so nobody has really experimented with it much until now, so I was a little nervous going into this one. Would it deliver? Would the flavor last? Will it be any good? The flavor description on BuySnus lists as, "Medium bodied tobacco character with clear hints of lime and mint, and a touch of lavender and green grass." So, does it deliver?

Since getting this snus in the mail yesterday, I've already almost killed a whole can and used nothing but Lime. Usually I have a pretty big rotation that I mix it up with but since getting this I've just been loving this flavor. When you open the can the aroma is very nice - a strong aroma of lime. The portions are in the traditional Star Formation that is common to all of Swedish Match's White Portion snus. The taste is simply magnificent. I was talking with a friend last night from our forum - GoSmokeless.org and mentioned that Swedish Match wouldn't add a new product that was non limited, much less to a popular line like Göteborgs Rapé if they didn't believe it was going to sell, and this snus doesn't disappoint. The flavor is great, it tastes almost like lime Jello with an herbal like quality in the background and a mellow salt balance. The lime flavor lasts for quite sometime, I've noticed it lasting well into the 45 minutes to an hour mark. There is a little fresh/cooling sensation tied in which could be from the mint/lavender combination - though I don't pick those up in taste, but rather as a sensation/feel with the snus. I really like this snus, and it's one of few that I would pick up a roll of sight unseen because I knew it was going to be good. A definite re-order and a definite addition to my daily use lineup. If you haven't ordered any yet, check it out - pick some up from your favorite webstore!

I filmed a video review of this in Texas, check it out!

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15 seconds

15 seconds


  1. This snus is AWESOME! I bought a roll blind based off your review and now I am regretting that I did not buy two!!


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