The Snuff Taker's Ephemeris - Premier issue review. 4 November 2010.

The world's first (and only)magazine/publication dedicated to smokeless tobacco has finally arrived. I wanted to write up a little something about it just to voice my thoughts on it. At first, I didn't know what to expect. I thought it was going to be something like my website or Larry's website but just in a publication. I couldn't have been more wrong - it's a really cool publication, and really well put together. Feck & Mick from SnusCENTRAL have put something really neat together. The articles are superb, the layout is very unique and fresh, and the content couldn't be better. It has a cool retro feel to it. I know I often read snus sites/forums on my iPhone, but this makes a neat little book to keep with me to have something to read to pass time. If you haven't subscribed yet - check it out. Head over to the website for The Snuff Taker's Ephemeris and sign up.
