is closed. :(

It is a bummer for me to have to report this, but our friends at are going out of business. Largely in part thanks to the PACT Act, and the effect this is going to have on the smaller businesses, and a few other issues as well that are largely benefiting bigger stores, but hurting smaller ones. Please view the video above, Jon talks a little more about what is going on, the specials they are having, and his thoughts on all this. I am very sad to see this, I have worked closely with ClubSnus alot since late last year, and was hoping to see them move forward. Their excellent customer service and speed of shipping has truly made them one of the best snus stores online, so it is with a sad heart that we at say goodbye to our friends at Please check out their webstore, as Jon is going to be running some excellent deals, as well as giving out alot of swag and merchandise with all their orders.
