Chapo White Licorice (Nicotine Pouches) - Review. 28 March 2024.

I got ahold of a bunch of these Chapo products recently, and cracked open a can of the licorice flavor today and figured I'd do a review of this one!  In case you aren't aware of the Chapo brand, it's made by Nicobros, a company in Estonia.  One neat note, right now they are building a new, state-of-the-art factory!  I found these products on, and they have a lot of different flavors and strengths.  The flavor description for this one says “A taste of licorice”.  Each can weighs in at 16g and has 20 pouches for 0.8g each.  The nicotine content is 16.5mg/g, which breaks down to 13.2mg/pouch.  Now, with all that fun background stuff out of the way, let's dive on into this one and do a review!

Opening the can, I notice the pouches to be a slight brown color.  In the aroma, it's a lightly sweet, present aroma of black licorice.  There seems to be some menthol in the smell, as well.  Putting a pouch under the lip I find it to be quite soft, with a decent moisture amount.  I get a little cooling presence in the lip, as well.  The flavor on this one is pretty nice!  It's a slightly sweet black licorice flavor.  It's mellow in presence, and has subtle tones of menthol to it.  I really like the black licorice presence on this one though.  It's quite tasty.  In the nicotine department, this one feels to delivery about the strong level and has a solid kick to it.  The flavor seems to kick around a good 30-40 minutes, on average.

Rating and Final Thoughts

I rather enjoyed this one.  I like the licorice taste on it, I think they did quite a good job with it!  I ended up rating this one a 3/5.  If you like licorice, I think you'll enjoy this one.  The flavor on it is pretty good.  Menthol usually is a turn off for me when mixed with other tastes, but I didn't find it to be overdone.  I could do without it, but it is what it is.  As it sits, a pretty decent taste!

This product available at!

Check out our video review of this, and other Chapo products!
