The Moose Major Wintergreen (White Portion) Snus - Review. 5 February 2024.

Nowadays, you don't see a lot of new snus products.  The last new snus brand I can recall is my Artisan Snus line, that launched back in 2022.  Now, a new brand called The Moose has launched, made by Hansa Snus on Gotland in Sweden!  This is The Moose Major Wintergreen.  Wintergreen, for me, is a love/hate flavor.  It's one I haven't liked much in the past, but since moving out to a farm and spending more time outdoors I've found myself using it more.  So, we'll see how this one is!  The flavor description for this one says, "A classic taste of wintergreen".  Each can weighs in at 16 grams and has 20 portions, for 0.8 gram portions.  The nicotine content is 14mg/g, which breaks down to 11.2mg per portion.  So, let's get into the review and check this one out!

Opening the can, I pick up a pretty present aroma of wintergreen.  It's on the sweeter side, and has that American wintergreen presence but almost like a wintergreen Tic-Tac.  The portions are quite nice, they're really soft and feel comfortable under the upper lip.  They have a nice moisture amount and a pretty quick release of flavor to them.  In the flavor, it's a pretty enjoyable wintergreen taste.  It's lightly sweet, and present.  It's not in your face, but has some nice presence to it.  I also nice a little earthy tobacco base in the background, as well.  In the nicotine department, it feels maybe just a hair above regular and has a nice release to it.  The flavor hangs out a good hour, on average! If  I had to place this one, I'd say it's kinda like a mix of General Wintergreen and Jakobsson's Wintergreen White.

Rating and Final Thoughts

I gave this one a 3.58/5.  That's higher than I rated General Wintergreen, as well as higher than I rated Jakobsson's Wintergreen White.  A lot of it came down to the portion, I really like the way these feel in the lip.  Adding in a nice flavor, a comfortable portion, a nice nicotine release, and a long-lasting flavor, Major Wintergreen is a good one.  If you like wintergreen, I think you'll enjoy this one.  It's pretty solid, and has a nice quality to it!

NOTE:  This product available at!

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