Klint Avalanche Mint (Nicotine Pouches) - Review. 31 October 2023.

I woke up this morning to frost on the ground and it reminded me that I had another "icy" mint product to review that I forgot about.  Today, out of my freezer comes Klint Avalanche Mint!  This is the strongest mint product offered in the Klint family.  They have products at all levels of nicotine, but this is their strongest mint, for those who want something with a lot of kick to it!  The flavor description for this one says, "a robust and frosty mint-tasting experience".  Each can weighs 14 grams and has 20 pouches, for 0.7g each.  The nicotine content is 25mg/g, and with the 0.7g pouches that's 17.5mg/pouch!  I found this one on SnusMe.com if you're looking for it for purchase.  So, mint lovers, let's get into this review and check this product out!

I know, there's so, so, so many mint products out there.  But I do my best to dig into them and see what I can pull out.  A lot of them tend to run together, honestly.  But, I'll do my best to give a fair review!  When you open the can, the aroma that comes through is a sharp, present aroma of peppermint.  It's bold, icy, and lightly sweet.  The pouches are slim, soft, moderately moist, and comfortable under the lip.  I also get a nice cooling presence when I put one under the lip.  In the flavor, it's a pretty fresh, present taste of mint!  The peppermint flavor is refreshing, sharp, and icy!  The nicotine kick is strong.  It feels at the extra strong level and hits really quick.  The flavor hangs out a good 40-45 minutes, on average.

Rating and Final Thoughts

For a mint product, it wasn't bad.  I gave it a 2.92/5.  For me, pretty average.  Nothing that really stands out.  It's a strong mint product, of which there are a million already.  If you're looking for something new to try out and you're a mint lover, give this one a go!  You may find yourself satisfied with it.  It's quite strong though, so be warned!

This product available at SnusMe.com!

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