Volt Pearls: Wild Mess (Nicotine Pouches) - Review. 27 May 2023.

Swedish Match is back at it again with another new nicotine pouch release in their popular Volt series!  This is also another one with their Pearls technology.  I recently noticed Volt Pearls Wild Mess available, and was quite curious to check it out!  If you're not familiar with the Pearls technology, we'll talk more on that in just a moment.  But first, let's get to know this product a little better.  The flavor description says "VOLT Pearls® Wild Mess Slim Extra Strong has a tropical taste with balanced fullness".  Each can weighs in at 14.7g and has 21 pouches for 0.7g each.  The nicotine content is listed at 9.5mg/pouch, which in total is 13.57mg/g.  But, as we know, the nicotine per pouch is what ultimately matters because that's what you experience when using the product.

As I usually like to do, I cut open a pouch to show you the Pearls.  This is how Swedish Match describes the technology:  "The Pearls technology means that the contents of the bags have been compressed into small, tiny pearls and then each pearl has been given a coating of aroma".  I've had a few of these before and haven't noticed much of a difference in flavor release, but I'll talk more on that when we get into the review!

Opening up the can, I notice a smooth, tropical aroma.  It's not super sweet, and seems to remind me of papaya, perhaps a little mango.  The pouches are slim, semi-dry, and lighter in weight.  The Pearls don't feel the pouch fully, so it does feel rather light in the lip.  In the flavor, I pick up a slightly sweet, tropical flavor profile.  It seems to have a little mango to it, but also a little papaya.  It is an interesting taste.  It's not too bold, but not too weak.  Again, I don't notice any extra presence to it that the Pearls format is supposed to deliver, it seems to deliver about the same as the regular Volt line.  At least, that's my experience with it.  The nicotine feels to be about the regular level, maybe a hair above.  The flavor longevity hangs out a good 40-45 minutes, on average.

Rating and Final Thoughts

All in all, not bad!  I am a big fan of tropical flavors, so I enjoyed the taste of Wild Mess.  I put the flavor at 3/5, so it's a little above average.  The final score came in right at 3.29/5.  If you like tropical tastes, you'll enjoy this one.  It has a pretty good flavor profile to it, and is a welcome addition to the Volt series, especially with summer right around the corner!

This product available at SnusMe.com!

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