Lundgren's Nicotine Pouches - Review. 14 August 2022.

It was only a matter of time before we saw a product like this.  Today, we're checking out a new line of nicotine pouches by Fiedler and Lundgren/BAT:  Lundgren's Nicotine Pouches.  Honestly, I was quite curious to try these out.  One segment of nicotine pouches that I haven't seen anyone explore is the premium segment.  This seems to be a release that is attempting to target that particular segment, and showcase a more premium side of nicotine pouches.  Honestly, I considered doing a nicotine pouch line that was similar to this in the Artisan series, because I think it's an area that there is a lot of potential in, and a consumer base that hasn't quite been reached yet.  This new line has three interesting flavors:  Äng, Dunge, and Rimfrost.  

Another interesting factor in this release is the pouch size.  While most nicotine pouches come in the slim format, this one is different, as it comes in the full sized/large pouch.  While a few others have done this, such as Ace and Skruf, it's not the most common format.  However, it's something seen with snus more often, so it was an interesting choice that Fiedler and Lundgren made with this one.  While their Velo / Lyft series is more often slim portions, these are more full size, so it was an interesting direction they went with this particular series!  Now, without further ado, let's check out these three new products!

Lundgren's Äng Nicotine Pouches

Flavor Description:  "A light taste of meadow berries".
Can Contents:  16.8 grams, 21 portions, 0.8g each
Nicotine Strength:  10mg/g (1.0%), or 8mg/portion

Review:  Opening the can, I encounter an interesting aroma.  It reminds me a lot of the old Epok snus, that has this clean kind of smell/taste to it.  There's a faint herbal character to it.  I don't notice any berry in the smell.  The pouches are full sized, plump, and moist, with a soft, premium feel to them.  In the flavor profile, it has that clean taste to it, along with an herbal hint in the background.  I don't notice any berry with this one, however.  In the nicotine effect, it feels to be about regular.  I find the flavor lasts about 40-45 minutes, on average.  This one reminds me a lot of an old Epok product from back in 2014 called Epok Original.  It's an.....interesting taste, to say the least.

Lundgren's Dunge Nicotine Pouches

Flavor Description:  "A light taste of wild berries".
Can Contents:  16.8 grams, 21 portions, 0.8g each
Nicotine Strength:  10mg/g (1.0%), or 8mg/portion

Review:  This one is a lot like the last one, Äng.  The aroma, the flavor, the pouch, the strength, the longevity, everything is basically the same as Äng, but I notice a difference with this one.  There is a little berry in this one.  In the aroma, and in the flavor, I notice a very subtle dark berry presence.  So, it has that clean character to it, the herbal notes, but also a mild, dark berry presence.  In that light, I find this one to be a little better than the previous one.  But, like the last one, this one also reminds me, in a way, of 2014's Epok Original.

Lundgren's Rimfrost Nicotine Pouches

Flavor Description:  "A fresh and cooling flavor of mint and eucalyptus".
Can Contents:  16.8 grams, 21 portions, 0.8g each
Nicotine Strength:  12.5mg/g (1.25%), or 10mg/portion

Review:  Surprisingly, this was the one of the three I liked the most.  Weird, I know, because usually when I review a series of products in a review, the mint one usually is the one I like the least.  But, the other two had a strange flavor, and this one didn't, it was more solid.  More, normal.  If that makes sense.  In the aroma, I pick up a gentle, clean character of mint.  It's mostly peppermint, but with a dab of menthol.  The pouches are the same as the other two, but these have a gentle cooling sensation under the lip.  In the flavor, it's a smooth, clean taste of mint.  It's mostly mellow peppermint, but with a faint menthol.  In the nicotine effect, it feels a hair above regular strength, and the flavor hangs out about 40-45 minutes.  This one reminds me of a more recent one, Velo Ice Cool.  If you've had that one, this one is a lot like it.

Rating and Final Thoughts

Of the three, I found Rimfrost to be the better one.  Dunge rated at the same mark as Rimfrost, at 3.5/5.  Äng rated lower, at 3.42/5.  I didn't really enjoy Dunge or Äng, and I found Rimfrost to be a better product.  I know, it's weird that I find the mint one to be the better one.  But, the other two had a weird taste that I couldn't really get into.  About Rimfrost, however, I will say this:  it is the most premium, high quality mint nicotine pouch I've had yet.  So, they did hit the mark on that one.  But the other two just tasted too odd for me to enjoy.

Lundgren's Nicotine Pouches are available at!

Check out our video review:
