Zyn Gold (Mini Dry) Nicotine Pouches - Review. 19 May 2022.

Swedish Match's Zyn series is arguably the most popular nicotine pouch brand around, but moreso for their mini dry format, which also has a large foothold in the US.  They recently launched two new variants in the Zyn mini dry family:  Gold (tobacco flavored) and Black Cherry!  Today, we're going to be talking about the Gold one.  This particular one launched in Sweden, but I've heard rumors of a tobacco-flavored Zyn launching soon in the US; apparently SM is testing it with consumers.  I didn't buy this one locally, I grabbed it from SnusMe.com.  The flavor description for this one says, "It has a subtle, light tobacco character with a sweet finish, like Virginia leaf, enabling you to enjoy a taste remarkably similar to the real deal".  Each can weighs 8 grams and has 20 pouches for 0.4g each.  The 2/4 one has a strength of 3mg/pouch, which is 7.5mg/g in total.  The 4/4 one has a nicotine strength of 6mg/pouch, which is 15mg/g in total.

I was curious to try these when I saw "tobacco flavored".  A lot of companies have tried to make a tobacco flavor in a tobacco-free product.  Some have come close, but nobody has really captured that flavor dead on just yet.  But this one honestly isn't too bad.  It has an interesting, semi-sweet, semi-earthy aroma.  There's a light almost mocha-like aroma, and something that reminds me of a faint vanilla.  The pouch is dry, thin, and light in weight.  They aren't the most comfortable at first but let them get more moist and they'll soften up.  The flavor is pretty interesting.  It's smooth, and sweet.  It kind of reminds me of their coffee one, but more mild.  And, just a faint touch of vanilla.  In strength, the 2/4 one is very, very light; I honestly didn't notice any nicotine from it.  The 4/4 one is light, but closer to regular strength.  The flavor lasts about 30-40 minutes on these.

Rating and Final Thoughts

This one honestly wasn't that bad.  Does it taste like tobacco?  No, not really.  But I haven't met a nicotine pouch yet that has cloned the tobacco flavor.  It does have some attributes that are similar to tobacco, especially to Virginia leaf.  I think people who enjoy tobacco would find enjoyment with these if they're looking to go tobacco-free.  They're not for me personally, but I can see the audience that would enjoy them.

NOTE:  Zyn Nicotine Pouches are available at SnusMe.com.

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