White Fox (Peppered Mint) - Review. 18 September 2020.

GN Tobacco has released another new nicotine pouch product in their White Fox line, this one with the flavor of, wait for it, mint.  Come on, did you expect anything else?  This is the fifth release in their White Fox line, they already have three mint flavors and one neutral/tobacco type flavor.  I grabbed this snus from SnusMe.com about a few weeks ago, but it took me a little while to get around to it - it seems like a lot of new products all launched recently!  If you're not familiar with nicotine pouches, these are products that are similar to snus, but different in one key way:  they don't contain tobacco.  These products usually contain some form of plant fiber and nicotine, and are a good alternative for people who are looking to quit tobacco but still enjoy nicotine!

The flavor for this one is described as "black peppered slim all white portion mixed with spearmint".  Like others in the White Fox series, each can weighs 15g and has 20 portions, for 0.75g portions.  The nicotine content is 16mg/g (1.6%) or 12mg/portion.

When you open the can, open the can, a subtle, mildly sweet aroma of spearmint greets you along with light hints of black pepper.  The portions are slim to the touch, and soft under the upper lip.  They have a mild burn at first, and then a gentle cooling presence.  The flavor is much like the aroma:  mint and pepper.  Makes sense, given the name Peppered Mint.  The mint flavor is a mild, lightly sweet, gentle taste of spearmint.  It's present, but not in your face or super bold in nature.  A light touch of black pepper in the background contributes a light spice nature to this product.  The nicotine strength feels to be around the strong level, and the flavor lasts about 45 minutes, on average.  

Can - 3.5/5 - A great looking can.  Mrs. Snubie loves these and always steals them when I'm done reviewing them.
Aroma - 2/5 - As promised, an aroma of pepper and mint.  Unique, given the addition of pepper.
Portions - 3/5 - Slim, comfortable under the lip.
Flavor - 2/5 - There's a million mint flavors out there, but the addition of pepper did at least make this one unique.
Nicotine - 3.5/5 - I prefer regular strength to strong, so it's nice that this one isn't one of those in your face mega nicotine products.
Longevity - 3/5 - The flavor lasts a solid 45 minutes, like with original portion snus.
Average - 2.83/5 - There's a million mint products out already, but this one was a little different given the inclusion of pepper in the flavor profile

Final Thoughts
With a ton of mint products already on the market, it's hard for me to get excited about new ones.  But, I did like the inclusion of pepper in the flavor profile to make this one different from others.  If you like mint nicotine pouches and want something a little different, you may enjoy this one.

White Fox Nicotine Pouches are available from SnusMe.com. 

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