Jakobsson's Wintergreen (White Slim) - Review. 6 April 2020.

Review Updated: 26 January 2021

Wintergreen is a love/hate thing for me. Wintergreen is a part of my worst memory (trying dip in high school), but it's not something I totally hate. Every now and then I get a craving for it and I'll buy a can of General Wintergreen, but it's not a full time, or even regular thing for me.  But, when it comes to wintergreen, Jakobsson's Wintergreen (Strong) is one I always suggest for people who are looking for a good wintergreen product.  And, in my opinion, this one is an even better version of that one.  I grabbed a few cans from SnusMe.com and have been honestly enjoying this one! The flavor description says, "A smaller portion with less drip.  Has a distinct taste of wintergreen with hints of mint and sweetness".  Each can weighs 13g and has 20 portions for 0.65g portions. The nicotine content is 14mg/g (1.4%), or 9.1mg/portion.

Here we go, let's talk about Jakobsson's Wintergreen Slim White Portion.  When you open the can, a gentle, mildly sweet wintergreen aroma comes through.  It is definitely that classic American wintergreen presence, but not in your face.  The portions are slim, have a soft portion material, and feel great under the lip!  The flavor is a present, balanced, lightly sweet flavor of wintergreen.  It's not as in your face as the original portion version, but still pretty present.  The nicotine is only 14mg/g (or 9.1mg/portion), and it feels just a little over regular strength.  Close to the strong mark, but not too strong by any means.  The flavor, on average, lasts up to about an hour.  

Rating and Final Thoughts

In terms of wintergreen flavors, Jakobsson's makes one of the best ones on the market.  The original portion is good, but so is this slim white portion version, as well.  I like how well balanced the flavors are on this one; it's quite pleasant and enjoyable.  I rated it at 3.21 out of 5, which is a good score for me and a wintergreen product.  If you like wintergreen, this is definitely one you'll want to check out.

This product available for purchase at SnusMe.com!

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