Kaliber+ Original Portion - Review. 11 February 2017.

Review Updated:  11 February 2021

The Kaliber brand has recently gone through yet another redesign, so I figured it was time for a new review.  In case you aren't familiar, this product was originally known as Mustang Snus when it launched in 2015.  In 2017, it was discontinued, and relaunched as Kaliber+.  The Kaliber+ line may not be talked about much, but it's a pretty solid product!  When it comes to this snus, the flavor description says, "Dark and spicy tobacco character with hints of lingonberry and bergamot, as well as a little cocoa and orange."  Each can weighs 18g, and has 20 portions, for 0.9g portions.  The nicotine strength is 11mg/g (1.1%), or 9.9mg/portion.

When you open the can, you'll notice the portions are quite moist.  The aroma that greets you is a robust tobacco smell with hints of citrus, pepper and a light lingonberry presence.  The flavor starts off with lingonberry and well rounded tobacco.  The longer you have it in the more you'll notice the taste of citrus develop, which is complimented by a subtle spiciness from the pepper.  The lingonberry flavor is interesting.  It weaves in and out of the flavor profile.  I notice it a lot at front, and then it comes in and out of the taste while I keep the portion in.  Eventually the lingonberry flavor fades and you're left with just the taste of tobacco, citrus and pepper.  I would say the flavor is close to Mustang Original Portion with one difference:  this one has a lingonberry taste whereas Mustang had more of a dried fruit blend taste.  The nicotine content is 14mg/g and 12.6mg/portion.  I do feel a little extra nicotine from this one but I would say it feels closer to a strong than an extra strong.  Don't let the extra strong name scare you, it's not going to be too strong if you're not used to the extra strong level. The flavor lasts about as long as most original portions. I can enjoy this one for up to the 45 minute to an hour mark.

Rating and Final Thoughts

This is one of the better products out there for the money.  I rated it at 3.33 out of 5.  Granted, it's not something I'd use full time, but it's certainly something I get a craving for from time to time.  Lingonberry isn't a common flavor in snus, and it comes through really well in this snus.  If you're looking for something to shake things up, this is certainly a snus that can do that!  It's quite unique, and very enjoyable!

This product available for purchase at SnusMe.com!

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