Granit White Portion (Strong) - Review. 13 January 2016.

Review Updated: 26 April 2021

I feel like I've reviewed this product quite a few times.  Going back through my photos, this is the 4th design of this snus I've reviewed.  Also, the last time it changed they added the FlexLid to the can, which is a catch lid that expands as you add more used portions to it.  That has remained with this design change, as well.  If you're not familiar with Granit, it's a budget snus from Fiedler and Lundgren. It's grown in popularity the past several years, though I myself prefer the LD line for budget alternatives. But, Granit has quite a following, so I'm going to give it a new review!

The flavor description says, "Classic snus with traditional tobacco flavor". Each can weighs 17.6g and has 22 portions, for 0.8g portions.  The nicotine strength is 16mg/g (1.6%), or 12.8mg/portion.  Nothing has changed about this one in regard to weight and strength.

Nothing else has changed about this product other than the design.  If you are a fan of Granit White Strong, it's the same product as before, just with this new can design.  When you open the can, there is a peppery aroma with tones of citrus. The portions are moderately soft, and plump. They feel comfortable under the lip, as well.  The flavor is very much the traditional Swedish Snus flavor!  When you put one in, pepper greets you right off the bat, along with a presence of citrus. The longer you have it in, the more you notice the tobacco flavor in the background.  The nicotine level on this one feels to be right at the strong level.  In terms of the flavor longevity, I've found usually it lasts about an hour, on average.

Rating and Final Thoughts

I rated this one at 3.25 out of 5.  It's right there in the middle for me.  Not horrible, not amazing, just average.  When it comes to budget products, I tend to enjoy the LD line more.  But, Granit isn't bad.  I'd use it in a pinch if I had to.  As far as the design change goes, I'm still "meh" on it.  I think I liked the last one better.  But, it's the same snus in the can, and that's what matters most at the end of the day.  If you're a price conscious snuser wanting to save a few bucks, Granit is a good option to consider!

This product available for purchase at!

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  1. I love Granit snus, you really can't go wrong with it. The strong white has a nice earthy & peppery tabacco centric flavour; soft in the lip, and the strength is in my personal sweet spot.I use it daily, and keep on going with it.....


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