Oden's Extreme Cold (White Portion) - Review. 15 October 2015.

Review Updated:  2 September 2022

Wow, has it really been 7 years since I reviewed this one?  My, how the times fly!  I've recently been working on re-reviewing a lot of snus products, and I've been getting into a lot of GN Tobacco products lately.  Today we're talking about one in the mega-popular "Cold" line.  This is an Extreme snus, meaning it's very strong.  And, it's one of very few GNT products that come in white (not white dry) portion.  The description for this one says, "Powerful, well rounded and flavorful tobacco blend with clear and cooling flavors from real mint oils".  Each can weighs 20 grams and has 20 portions, for 1g each.  The nicotine content is 22mg/g (2.2%), or 22mg/portion.

If you've ever had Oden's Cold before, this one is just like those.  But, in a white portion.  In the aroma, you'll encounter a present, sharp aroma of spearmint.  It's focused, and semi-sweet in nature.  The white portion is semi-moist, and soft.  It does need some fluffing to break up the tobacco before putting it in.  Under the lip, you'll encounter a light cooling sensation, due to the mint flavor profile.  In the taste, it's a pretty present flavor of spearmint.  It's semi-sweet, but not overly sweet.  After a while of having it in, you'll notice a mild tobacco flavor peeking out of the background.  In the strength, it does have a good kick to it.  It feels to be at the extra strong level.  The flavor hangs out for a good amount of time, usually lasting up to about an hour on average.

Rating and Final Thoughts

If you've had Oden's Cold before, you know what to expect with this one.  This is a strong snus with a spearmint taste, much like the other variants.  The white portion format is a nice touch, which I find more enjoyable than the white dry format.  I think it yields a better flavor experience with this snus.  While not my favorite snus in the world, it's not bad, so I rated it at 3.33/5!

This product available at SnusMe.com!

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