Oden's Double Mint Extreme White Dry. Review. 23 July 2014.

Review Updated:  5 May 2023

It's been quite a while since I've had this one.  The last update on this article was back in 2014, so it's been almost a decade since I've sat down to talk about this one.  I wasn't doing ratings back then, so I've gradually been working through my reviews and updating them with ratings, and newer photos.  Today, we're checking out GN Tobacco's Oden's Double Mint Extreme White Dry!  The flavor description on this one says, "It has a spicy tobacco character and it delivers a cool flavor of mint and ice-cold menthol".  Each can weighs in at 16 grams, and I counted 20 portions, for 0.8g each.  The nicotine content is 22mg/g, which breaks down to 17.6mg/pouch.

When I open the can, I notice a smooth, gentle aroma of mint.  It's lightly sweet in nature.  At first, I pick up peppermint, and then a little menthol mingles in.  Being a white dry, the portion is dryer than your average white portion, but is still soft to the touch, and comfortable under the lip.  Also being a mint product, I notice a gentle cooling presence once I put a pouch under the lip.  The flavor develops slower due to the dry nature of the portion.  At first, I notice menthol.  But, it quickly develops to include more peppermint.  The flavor is gentle, and lightly sweet.  The nicotine strength on this one feels to be about the extra strong level, and has a solid kick to it.  The flavor hangs out for well over an hour, which is a benefit of the white dry portion!

Rating and Final Thoughts

I rated this one at 3.08/5.  It's a little stronger than I prefer, but the taste is good.  I know Oden's Cold is the main mint one that most people talk about, but I think people sleep on Double Mint.  This is a tasty mint snus with a more unique flavor profile.  I'm usually not big on menthol, but it works pretty well in the flavor profile of this one and how it's balanced out with the peppermint taste!

This product available at SnusMe.com!

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