Jakobsson's Melon (Mini Portion) Review. 25 July 2013.

Review Updated:  29 October 2020

It's been several years since I've reviewed this one, but it got a sleek new redesign so I figured I'd revisit it!  Jakobsson's Melon is a pretty popular flavor, and one I enjoy from time to time, especially in the summer!  This mini portion has been around for over 7 years now, so it must be pretty popular in terms of sales!  The flavor description for this one says, "A characteristic taste of melon with hints of pear and sweetness".  Each can weighs 7 grams and has 20 portions, for 0.35g each.  The nicotine content is 14mg/g (1.4%), which breaks down to 4.9mg/portion.

I usually use this one in the summer time, but I've been enjoying it the past few days while I've been working on this review.  When you open the can, a smell of watermelon greets you.  It's pretty mild, and a little on the sweeter side.  The portions are moderately soft, slim fit, and smaller in size due to them being minis.  The flavor is pretty fresh, and tasty.  The watermelon flavor is gentle in presence, and pretty sweet in terms of flavor.  It's not as in your face as the original portion, and seems to come across in a more gentle, balanced way due to the white portion format.  The nicotine level, with one, feels a little less strong than regular strength.  The flavor, on average, lasts up to about an hour!  

Rating and Final Thoughts

My rating on this one is going to be a little lower, 2.91 out of 5.  The main reason for that is because I really don't use mini portion snus.  So, the portion size and nicotine strength will drag the score down a little.  But, if you're a mini portion fan, I'd suggest checking it out.  While it's not for me, I know there's not a lot of variety in terms of flavors available for mini portion snusers.  If you enjoy the smaller portion size, check this one out.  It's pretty tasty, especially in the summertime!

This product available for purchase at SnusMe.com

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