Oden's Cold (Original Portion) - Review. 6 August 2012.

Review Updated: 4 June 2020

It's been quite a few years since I've reviewed this one.  Due to a new law in Sweden, they're mandating snus have at least 20 portions per can.  Most products in the Oden's brand have traditionally had less than that, so with the new upgrade in portion count, I figured it was time for a new review!  Today, we're talking about an Oden's product with a spearmint flavor - Oden's Cold (Original Portion), a regular strength Oden's product! Yes, they do make those.  The flavor description for this one says, "A normal strength portion with a taste of spearmint".  Each can weighs 20g and now contains 20 portions, for 1g portions.  The nicotine content is 9mg/g (0.9%), or 9mg/portion.

When you open the can, a mildly sweet, present smell of spearmint greets you. I also pick up a faint tone of tobacco in the background. The portions are nice and plump, and come with a pretty quick release of flavor! Also, being a mint product, you get a nice cooling presence in the lip, as well. The flavor is predominantly spearmint, which comes through in a present, mildly sweet way. There's a light taste of tobacco in the background, but it doesn't overpower the mint. The nicotine strength feels to be about the regular strength level, and I find the flavor lasts about 45 minutes on average!  If you like mint products, and want one with an original portion and regular strength, check this one out!

This product available at SnusMe.com.

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