The Lab 06 (Extra Strong) - Review. 9 November 2011

Review Updated: 17 December 2020

I've recently begun adding a rating system to my reviews, and I figured one of the first ones I wanted to do was a product in the Lab Series brand and personal favorite of mine: The Lab 06!  As many of you know this is the snus I use after meals.  I don't use a lot of extra strong snus, but this one really hits the spot after a full meal!  When it comes to the product description for Lab 06 it says, "06 Extra Strong Long Lab Series Portion Snus has a strong and spicy tobacco character with hints of herbs, oak and cedar, and a little nuttiness and flowers".  This snus comes in a 21.6 gram can with 24 portions for 0.9 gram portions. Nicotine content is 20mg/g (2.0%), which breaks down to 18 mg/portion.

When you open the can, the aroma that greets you is a dark tobacco smell with hints of oak and a little nutty presence.  The portion are slim original portion format.  They feel soft to the touch and comfortable in the lip!  The taste is primarily a dark, rich tobacco flavor.  It's very well rounded, and quite present.  In the background are present hints of oak, and a nice nutty presence that reminds me of walnut.  Usually I can keep these in for up to an hour, which is impressive for original portion snus!  The nicotine strength on this one is extra strong, but it's a steady delivery; the nicotine doesn't kick you in the teeth.  You'll feel extra, but it's steady in delivery.  The flavor lasts quite a while as well, usually up to 45 minutes on average!

Rating and Final Thoughts

This is a personal favorite of mine, and in my opinion, one of the best products on the market.  I rated it at 4.17 out of 5, but mainly the lower score is due to the nicotine being a bit too strong for regular usage.  But I only use when I need something strong, like after meals.  If you like tobacco centric products, this one is a must try.  It's one of the best tasting products out there, and a great one to keep in your rotation!

This product available at

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  1. I've got an 06 portion in right now. Been through about half a can in the last two days. It is very robust, which is a good thing for me. I tend to like more tobacco flavor than anything else. I do enjoy this much more than the Oden's Extreme. I find that the Oden's is a more "in your face" kind of snus. Both are good, but in my opinion, the 06 wins for me.


  2. This definitely could become a new favorite. The taste is excellent. Just good tobacco with no off-putting "extras" The nicotine hit is super mellow, doesn't hit you in the face like some extra sterk.

    When I start buying Swedish again, this is definitely gonna be in my regular rotation.


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